
Nick Galieti loves starting and building new businesses as well as helping others to realize their dreams and potential businesses. His degree is a Bachelors of Science in business, but the emphasis was in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship. An idea man, and one that likes to provide to the world the various services that can help improve the quality of life, or to help people realize their potential make up a part of his passions. Accordingly, Nick owns and operates several companies with goals of starting or investing in many more.

CLDSS New LogoCustom LDS Scriptures, is a unique company that binds or rebinds custom covers for LDS standard works (scriptures.) This business provides a unique and attractive option for people who want to help make sacred works something they can cherish on a whole new level. For each year it has been in operation (2011 – present) Custom LDS Scriptures has grown in sales, with 2016 being its biggest year yet. This company was sold in November 2016.



Beta-Read-LogoBeta|Read is a manuscript accreditation and review service. Using cloud based technology, Beta Read is able to offer a professional and rigorous review service that is both timely and improves the efficiency of the manuscript review process for authors and publishers. This service performed a soft open in August 2016 with plans to fully launch in January 2017. Beta|Read will also serve as a resource for tools and information for writers to improve their writing craft. This is revolutionary in the publishing industry and hopes to offer stabilization and direction for an industry seeking to find its way in a digital and changing world.


Sound-Interpretation-LogoSound Interpretation is technically owned by Heidi, Nick’s wife, but Nick is involved in consulting with Heidi on equipment design, and in navigating the world of simultaneous interpretation. This business is positioning itself to be a leader in the western united states for offering top quality simultaneous interpretation products and services at an unbeatable price. Innovation is allowing Sound Interpretation to offer equipment rental and services at competitive daily rates, as well as reduce event expenses for things such as shipping and other transportation costs. For more information, go to Sound Interpretation’s website.


As other companies come online, links will be posted on this page. If you are wanting to start a business and looking for a consultant, or to even have another set of eyes to help determine the viability of your business, please feel free to contact Nick.