What are podcasts?

Podcasts are internet based, on demand programming. Podcasts can be in audio or video format. Many traditional broadcasters have turned to podcasting as a way to reach the mobile, on the go, and on demand world. Podcasting is independently distributed through platforms like iTunes, or smart phone apps like Stitcher, I Heart Radio, and others. Because of its independence, there are lower production costs, but greater access to a world wide audience without having to own a radio or television station (or wait for one to offer you a contract).
Podcasting is the effort to bringing original, often very targeted content, to the masses. Nick Galieti, operating primarily under the name Radio Gold Productions, is the host or producer of multiple podcasts. Nick has personally hosted or produced over 850+ podcast episodes. He was the Podcast Manager for FairMormon. FairMormon is a volunteer organization offering reasoned and scholarly answers to difficult or critical questions about the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). He has hosted episodes of the LDS Perspectives podcast and is the voice for Book of Mormon Central’s KnoWhy podcast. The following are the various shows that Nick has either hosted, produced, or recorded podcast material.
Barbie Does Dating:
This is a show about the fun, exciting, humorous and sometimes terrifying, world of dating within the Latter-day Saint culture and religion. Our three hosts offer humor, tips and some occasional sage wisdom on dating. Nick is one of the three hosts, and the producer of the show that features Barbie Berg and Comedian Steve Soelberg as the main hosts. Listen to Barbie Does Dating on Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Latter-day Saint MissionCast Podcast:
Nick Galieti hosts and produces the Latter-day Saint MissionCast — a weekly podcast designed to be a centralized source for inspiration, education, entertainment, and encouragement in the missionary effort. The Latter-day Saint MissionCast Podcast is for those preparing to serve a mission, currently on a mission, as well as those who have come home. The podcast is designed to increase global awareness of the missionary effort, as well as provide a platform for training, and encouragement.
Listen to the LDS MissionCast here.
Book of Mormon Central:
Nick is the voice of the daily Book of Mormon Central podcasts called “KnoWhy’s.” These are 5-9 minute podcasts that feature scholarship surrounding the Book of Mormon. These podcasts started in January 2016 and have already exceeded 500+ episodes.
LDS Perspectives Podcast:
LDS Perspectives is also a new podcasting effort of which Nick is one of four podcasters offering regular interviews focusing on various topics of historical, doctrinal, and cultural value. Topics range from the Gospel Topics Essays, Revelations in Context, and other scholars on a variety of topics relating to Latter-day Saint Culture and doctrine.
The Good Word Podcast:
Featuring interviews with Latter-day Saint Authors and Writers. From books to blogs, movies to music, The Good Word Presents weekly interviews with those who communicate through writing. This podcast started in 2012 and has stopped active production since 2016.
The Good Word podcast records shows out Eborn Books in downtown Salt Lake City, UT. With over 100 interviews, each episode explores the craft of writing. Other episodes discuss the challenges of composing for both Latter-day Saint and non-Latter-day Saint markets. The goal is to come to know the author themselves–the voice behind the words. (This podcast is now on hiatus.)
To listen to The Good Word Podcast, visit The Good Word Podcast website – click here.
Nick Galieti volunteered as Podcast Manager for an all volunteer organization called FairMormon. This organization’s mission is to provide faithful and well-reasoned scholarly answers to critical questions about the Latter-day Saint or Mormon faith.
FairMormon produced 4 weekly podcasts supervised, produced, or hosted by Nick Galieti. Articles of Faith features interviews with scholars and writers of various articles written on blogs, or in scholarly journals. RiseUp targeted Seminary or Institute age Young Adults. Nick also established and is running the FairMormon Streaming Radio Station.
To listen to all FairMormon podcasts, follow the FairMormon Blog – click here
The Good Thinking Podcast features audio essays offing inspirational messages for Latter-day Saint audiences.
Hosted by Nick Galieti, Good Thinking is blog, meets podcasting. (The show has now been discontinued.)
Nick may be available to produce other podcasts. Should you have interest in having a podcast produced, contact Nick with your proposal.